
Some of the most innovative and out-of-the-box thinkers in the noncommercial foodservice industry.


Suzanne Cryst: Home Maker

Suzanne Cryst, RD, LD, food service director at Maria Joseph Living Center, part of the Premier Health Partners network in Dayton, Ohio, provides multiple home-style choices to allow residents to feel they're in their own home. Staff training to improve the retherm process has heightened food quality, reduced plate waste and increased patient satisfaction.


Sheila LeJeune: The Transformer

Lt. Sheila LeJeune, MS, LDN, RD, food service director at Lafayette (La.) Parish Correctional Center, has implemented multiple menu, purchasing and sanitation improvements that have tranformed a poorly functioning facility into one that's providing more than one million meals annually—in one of the "cleanest commercial kitchens in the city.

Bill Moloney, senior director for dining and auxiliary enterprises at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, has utilized surveys and central production from the Culinary Support Center to take this operation, serving more than 25,000 meals per day, to the next level.

Sue Mitchell, director of nutrition services at Bartow County (Ga.) School System, has created, via automation, group purchasing and other innovations, a self-supporting enterprise. She is also fresh off completing her first year on USDA's NuMenu program.

Pattie Malloy, general manager for Parkhurst Dining Services at PNC Bank in Pittsburgh, finds that being responsive wins customers, and it wins new accounst for her employer. The future look even brighter, as PNC Bank makes plans for a new tower to open in 2006.

Paul Hubbard, associate director of foodservice operations at Stony Brook (NY) University Hospital, guided his department through renovations, increased sales, doubled catering customers, boosted meal volume and raised check averages. To him, there's no "I" in "team."

Mary O'Connell, director of food and nutrition services at United Odd Fellow & Rebekah Home in The Bronx, NY, improved foodservice with buffet service, ethnic menu items, prime vendor and GPO agreements, and food commitee meetings. Now, she anxiously awaits a new kitchen.

Jeffrey Vickers, director of food and support services for the Contra Costa (Calif.) Sheriff's Department, set up meal service packed with menu variety for prison and county employees; reduced food waste by 5% using a modified cook-chill system; switched to a tray-sealing system for inmates' meals; and increased commissary sales by 15% with a Web-based ordering system for the friends and relatives of inmates.

The Eastman Chemical plant in Kingsport, Tenn., is almost a city unto itself, with a population of about 8,000 employees and a couple thousand outside contractors (primarily from engineering and construction companies) on site at any given time. The enclave encompasses more than 500 buildings set on 6,000 acres; the main plant itself covers 858 acres.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools have benefited greatly from Bob Kelly's arrival a couple of years ago. He has increased participation by 7% with reimbursable meals that appeal to students; given unit managers freedom to choose menu items based on customer preferences; and become a visible part of the school community.

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