Julianne Pepitone

Articles by
Julianne Pepitone

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Foodservice Operation of the Month

Otterbein SeniorLife aims to make senior dining shiny and new

For Director of Culinary Services Drew Allen, foodservice must have a “wow” factor. He’s added hibachi grills, an on-site shark tank and more.

Foodservice Operation of the Month

How Northfield Hospital is making small changes that matter

A salad bar revamp, global flavors and options for a variety of diets have been on the menu at the Minnesota operation.

Around 60 full-time employees help craft culinary magic at the homeless shelter, which aims to nourish the community, body and soul.

Inclusivity, convenience and choice are at the heart of the University of Nebraska's foodservice program.

While embracing a return to pre-COVID fundamentals, the school district forged ahead with brand-new initiatives like piloting shelf-stable milk.

At Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, menu items are built around sustainable and local ingredients, with a focus on reducing salt and fat.

Up to 40% of the ingredients Bowdoin uses are sourced nearby, and students play a vital role in these local relationships, the team says.

A commitment to training, transparency and taking responsibility helped Kent State's dining team address headwinds while going self-op.

Foodservice leaders at Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center took stock of what wasn’t working and set out to do things differently.

Building a tight bond with families is a cornerstone for Jeanne Reilly and the rest of the nutrition team at Windham Raymond Schools.

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