Julianne Pepitone

Articles by
Julianne Pepitone

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Foodservice Operation of the Month

Princeton University: Putting vision into practice

See how the university's cerebral approach to dining plays out on the plate.

Foodservice Operation of the Month

How Martin County School District found mealtime flexibility

When district leadership mandated fewer lunch periods to accommodate scheduling, the foodservice team made several major changes to adapt.

Here's how the hospital is maximizing a shiny new tower, and getting creative at an old facility.

From vegan eating to fueling up for the big game, UNT covers all its bases.

See how a new FSD took the Massachusetts district from red to black.

A foundation rooted in consistency works with a menu inspired by a diverse and adventurous community.

Purdue’s Dining & Catering department partners with academia to offer hands-on experience, regardless of major.

See how this operation runs with the complete health of the community at its core. 

Culinary sensibility suffuses most aspects of life at the continuing care community. 

To students, the 6 miles between RIT and the center of town can feel like a world away. Here's how the dining department is building community beyond campus. 

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