
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

NYC attempts new form of paid leave

The law enforces leave time for employees who are the victims of certain crimes.


UC Santa Cruz to convert cafe into one that will combat student hunger

The revamped cafe will offer study space, a food pantry and a demonstration kitchen, as well as nutrition and financial wellness programming.

The school’s dining services taught students how to make at least two vegan treats.

The Senate has instead asked the state’s Education Department to create a task force to ensure students are not deprived of school meals.

Workers feared losing job security and benefits when Compass assumes the school’s foodservice this fall.

While students are able to get some rest during the summer break, the work doesn’t end for foodservice operators. Here's what some will be undertaking this year.

How are the big trends in U.S. eating playing out overseas?

A tentative agreement was made earlier this week to avoid a 24-hour strike.

The school’s dining services has replaced plastic straws with biodegradable ones.

A change to the public charge doctrine could penalize immigrant families whose children receive free or reduced-price lunches. 

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