Senior Living

Steal This Idea

Push employees to gain hospitality insights

Every week we ask our employees to gather examples of hospitality from outside our industry. We ask them, “How does that make you feel? What are you thinking about?


How Microsoft is capitalizing on nonalcoholic beverages

Clients are increasingly demanding nonalcohol bar options at company soirees, and they expect the craftsmanship afforded to a classic cocktail.

The vendor has announced a new partnership and released a seafood sourcing policy.

The only remedy for insanity, as people who run any successful operation know, is being voracious about seeking out new ideas and surprising solutions to challenges.

A federal judge has temporarily suspended enactment of the new overtime rules. But where does that leave foodservice operations, in the short term and for the long haul?

Regional dining services directors were among those let go to trim costs.

The University of Vermont Health Network Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital decided to expand its employee of the month program outside of the department.

We have started adding healthier options to our cafe, and did sampling events to find out which snacks to use. I took the options to our administrative team first.

Chris Studtmann, district executive chef at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., is cooking up a whole new program with the help of consumer analytics.

David Perkins, head chef at Connecticut College, blamed lack of veggie burger sales on frozen product, and set to work creating a from-scratch version.

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