Benita Gingerella

Senior Editor

Articles by
Benita Gingerella

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How the North Little Rock nutrition team is boosting its breakfast participation

The nutrition team has steadily increased its breakfast participation by about 5% annually the past two school years.


Minnesota lawmakers say yes to farm-to-school funding

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: A Connecticut bill that would set up a child nutrition outreach program has been approved by lawmakers.

The nutrition team is working to make sure that the entire student body, which represents 20 different countries, is able to experience a taste of home when they sit down for lunch.

As college operators continue to face a labor shortage, culinary internships with local schools are helping fill staffing gaps.

The two-year initiative was spearheaded by the city as a way to reduce waste in the city’s public schools.

The nutrition team received a Healthy Meals Incentive grant to hire an extra set of hands around the kitchen to help with expanding scratch-made options for students.

Also in this week’s legislative update: Oklahoma says okay to electronic school meal applications and New Hampshire lawmakers rework a bill that would make a handful of changes to school nutrition programs.

The district recently received a Healthy School Meals Incentive grant to expand the number of scratch-made, low-sodium dishes on its menu.

The first Friday in May marks School Lunch Hero Day and districts across the country are celebrating school nutrition professionals.

The winners have been announced just ahead of School Lunch Hero Day.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: lawmakers in Maryland and Delaware take action on bills related to universal free meals.

The summit, which is part of the USDA’s and Action for Healthy Kids’ Healthy Meals Incentives, allowed operators from small and rural districts to connect and find ways to improve their programs.

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