Colleges & Universities


Rethinking food safety with new approaches

In recent months, operators have had to stave off more fears than just E. coli. Mumps, flu and hand-foot-and-mouth disease have reared their germy heads in foodservice.


How to foster relationships between employee shifts

Your two shifts disagreeing is really a teamwork problem. Of course each shift has their immediate goals, but your operation is much larger than that.

Franklin College has seen a decrease in food waste during the past year.

The tablets increase swipe-in speed to the cafeterias and make it easier to correctly identify entering students.

Temple University students may see plan costs go up at the start of the next school year.

The shop will offer sweet and savory crepes as well as paninis, beverages and gelato.

The vendor has announced a new partnership and released a seafood sourcing policy.

Trayless dining, composting and garnering student feedback are some of the ways the school is reducing what it throws away.

A federal judge has temporarily suspended enactment of the new overtime rules. But where does that leave foodservice operations, in the short term and for the long haul?

The only remedy for insanity, as people who run any successful operation know, is being voracious about seeking out new ideas and surprising solutions to challenges.

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