FSD Update


Marquette to build $96M dormitory, dining hall

The university's new facility will feature longer hours, as well as more menu and seating options compared to other eateries on campus.


Wash. university’s food truck to feature new menu daily

The food truck's menu will reflect what the chef wants to curate each day, officials say.

The initiative could lead to some maneuvering on behalf of foodservice departments if high lead levels are detected.

The agency set a date and spelled out the once-vague guidelines.

The revamp—which is expected to be completed by this fall—is designed to streamline throughput and provide students with more dining options, officials say.

Texas State University’s renovated dining hall, which will feature longer hours, is set up to encourage students and staff to stay awhile.

The School Nutrition Association has honored three individuals for their commitment to nutrition.

The University of New Hampshire is taking heat from students who pointed out that the light-up table aimed at showcasing healthy food prep cost almost as much as a full year’s tuition.

Expanding the federal program to include low-income college students would increase their chances of graduating, Wisconsin Hope Lab says.

Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting a problem doesn’t have to divide your staff.

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