FSD Update

Steal This Idea

Water Wins

With all the talk about empty calories from the sugar in sodas and juices, we have installed hydration stations with signs that say, “Water—The Best Choice.” The signs encourage students to choose water over sugary beverages.


Diane Imrie: Sustainability Champion

When a hospital boasts about its foodservice program on its website, you know you’ve done something right. In a world full of bad hospital food jokes, Diane Imrie, R.D., director of nutrition services, has turned that stereotype upside down at Fletc

Fries and chips aren’t just filler for combo meals. These salty sides are no longer taking a back seat to their entrée companions, as many operations are making these items in house. “Our program was developed from trend reports based o

Ruth Arnold, operations manager for Nutri-Serve Food Management Inc., in Burlington, N.J., wants to ride in a hot air balloon and says you’d find her dealing cards at a casino if she weren’t in foodservice.  

We try to use variations on practiced menu items. For example, instead of a standard pasta bar, we try to use lighter menu items such as fresh crushed-tomato sauces, egg-free pasta and naturally reduced sauces.  

There’s a reason eggs are called incredible: Each tiny package delivers protein plus iron, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all for 70 calories. The downside? Eggs are high in saturated fat and cholesterol and are often paired with other high-fa

Many elementary students grow potatoes, sprouted in cartons on sunny windowsills, as a classroom assignment. But heirloom potato varieties—especially upmarket fingerlings—are a more complicated crop than those humble student potato projects.

Talk about loving foodservice. When Nancy Keller [formerly Levandowski], director of ISU Dining at Iowa State University, in Ames, saw that Denny’s was opening a new in-house wedding chapel in Las Vegas, she couldn’t resist giving them a call

We provided our students with what we call an international spice rack. We wanted our students to have the opportunity to make their food the way they wanted. Spices such as garam masala, Chinese five-spice, cumin and hot paprika are just some of the offe

Union workers say maintaining bars goes beyond contract.

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