legislation and regulation


Opinion: Is SNA for or against foodservice employees?

While the debate of school nutrition guidelines rolls on, foodservice workers are dealing with their own internal food fight.


School meals get ugly

The gloves came off last week. After the USDA announced leniency for rules regarding whole-grain pasta, the U.S. House backed a bill that would allow districts to opt out of new school meal pattern regulations if they could prove the rules were a financial burden.

As Washington debates school lunch standards rolling out across the country, several local school officials said the changes are not very effective in the fight against childhood obesity and in some cases are leading to food waste.

Despite White House pressure, the House Appropriations Committee voted Thursday to allow school districts to temporarily opt out of school dietary requirements championed by first lady Michelle Obama.

Something stinks in college cafeterias managed by French catering company Sodexo, and it has nothing to do with the food.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and the School Nutrition Association (SNA) both struck conciliatory notes Wednesday and told reporters they would be willing to accept compromises beyond the school lunch guideline changes proposed by House Republicans.

First lady Michelle Obama is preparing to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are fighting for a scale-back on regulations.

We had a little excitement this week near our corporate office in Chicagoland. More than 100 protesters were arrested Wednesday on the grounds of McDonald’s corporate headquarters, just down the road in Oak Brook.

Starting in the fall, a west metro high school will no longer be part of the national school lunch program.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack lashed out Thursday against critics seeking to weaken the country's nutrition standards for school lunches, arguing that changes to the successful program would harm millions of students who depend on the meals.

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