legislation and regulation


Manufacturer brings healthier pizzas to schools

Given the current uproar over new federal rules aimed at getting schoolchildren to eat more healthfully, you might think fast food was an endangered species on the cafeteria line.


Cleveland City Schools hears criticism of free lunch pilot program

The Cleveland City Schools Board of Education took time to hear some criticism over their recent decision to use federal Community Eligibility Provision funds.

School nutrition expenses prompt directors to lobby for a break while the White House believes this would be a major step backwards.

Brandon Valley’s school lunch program is at odds with the White House – or at least with the new federal guidelines that mandate more fresh fruits, whole-grain and low-sodium foods and fewer “competitive foods,” such as cookies.

The White House waded into in the middle of a Congressional food fight over how to regulate school lunch.

At a school where a teacher says too many kids go hungry, hundreds of pounds of unopened food are being thrown away in a dumpster each week.

First lady Michelle Obama and school lunch ladies used to be on the same team, but now they’re locked in a political war against each other.

Some school districts think biometrics are a key to faster lunch service. But not everyone believes the technology is worth the risks.

The ferocity of first lady Michelle Obama's counterattack against a proposal to temporarily waive school lunch standards shows what's really at stake in Congress: a $10 billion effort to wean Americans off junk food.

Area school officials say economic concerns — and changing taste buds of students — are reasons they have no plans to opt out of federal healthier meal standards.

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