legislation and regulation


How school lunch became the latest political battleground

Today the School Nutrition Association is Washington’s loudest and most public critic of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.


New food waste rules start in Massachusetts

Dozens of Berkshire businesses and institutions are among the 1,700 statewide being mandated to reduce, reuse and recycle their food waste.

Starting Sept. 22, much of the food and beverages sold at Associated Student (AS) Dining Services increased in price for the first time in four years.

A new federal program that makes free breakfast and lunch available to all students, no questions asked, has been slow to catch on in Virginia.

We created an approved foods tool, so parents and teachers know what food items meet the Smart Snacks regs.

Northwestern students used to look forward to lunch every Thursday, when restaurant-style fried chicken and French fries would be served.

Congress will join a number of US cities that have imposed restrictions on polystyrene, a widely used plastic known best as Styrofoam.

The Kauai County Council has unanimously passed a resolution urging state officials, parents and guardians to prevent students from going hungry at schools

“Pinky” Holt has retired after 20 years at the helm of Kane (Pennsylvania) Area School District’s foodservice program.

According to the USDA, new school meal standards will force school districts and states to absorb $1.22 billion in new food, labor and administrative costs in fiscal year 2015.

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