legislation and regulation


Smart Snacks presents challenges for schools, vendors

Northwestern students used to look forward to lunch every Thursday, when restaurant-style fried chicken and French fries would be served.


Congress bans polystyrene in cafeterias

Congress will join a number of US cities that have imposed restrictions on polystyrene, a widely used plastic known best as Styrofoam.

The Kauai County Council has unanimously passed a resolution urging state officials, parents and guardians to prevent students from going hungry at schools

“Pinky” Holt has retired after 20 years at the helm of Kane (Pennsylvania) Area School District’s foodservice program.

According to the USDA, new school meal standards will force school districts and states to absorb $1.22 billion in new food, labor and administrative costs in fiscal year 2015.

First lady Michelle Obama said it was "natural" that kids are "grumbling" over new requirements for schools to fill vending machines and lunch lines with healthier food, but that it would not deter her from improving child nutrition.

The choice between a plain bagel and one with cream cheese, so innocuous to millions of Americans every morning, gave athletics compliance officials fits when straddling the line between NCAA compliance and providing for scholarship athletes.

Voorheesville schools were in the vanguard of districts opposing more strict federal school lunch program guidelines, but an ongoing operating deficit has forced the district back in line.

A suburban school district is cutting its food service budget after giving up nearly $1 million in aid by quitting the federal school lunch program.

A new report Thursday found that only 2% of the projected increase in federal spending over the next decade will be dedicated to programs benefiting children.

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