legislation and regulation


Iowa athletes get more food, officials get fewer headaches

The choice between a plain bagel and one with cream cheese, so innocuous to millions of Americans every morning, gave athletics compliance officials fits when straddling the line between NCAA compliance and providing for scholarship athletes.


New York district opts back in to National School Lunch Program

Voorheesville schools were in the vanguard of districts opposing more strict federal school lunch program guidelines, but an ongoing operating deficit has forced the district back in line.

A suburban school district is cutting its food service budget after giving up nearly $1 million in aid by quitting the federal school lunch program.

A new report Thursday found that only 2% of the projected increase in federal spending over the next decade will be dedicated to programs benefiting children.

As the federal government continues to exert influence over public schools, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert has introduced a bill that would limit the feds from mandating which foods schools must serve.

Faced with the latest federal restrictions on school-served meals and snacks, members of the Windham school board agreed this week to explore all options.

The National School Nutrition Association blames new federal nutrition standards requiring students to take more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as increasing the amount of whole grains.

Meals are a bit tastier this year at two local parochial schools that have opted out of federal funding for lunch.

Any parent will tell you that trying to get kids to eat healthier is tricky business, particularly for teenagers.

But a bill to be considered Thursday by a state Assembly panel would ask middle and high schools to set up advisory committees to recommend breakfast and lunch dishes.

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