legislation and regulation


North Carolina announces $1.3M in grant funding to expand school breakfast

Forty-two public school districts and charter schools in the state will receive financial assistance to implement alternative school breakfast models such as breakfast in the classroom.


Minnesota bill would provide free milk to students who bring lunch from home

Also in this week’s legislative update: A Oklahoma bill would encourage farm-to-school efforts in the state and Hawaii and Tennessee consider implementing universal free meals at school.

A new report examined school meal participation in California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and Vermont during the first school year the states implemented policies mandating healthy school meals for all.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: A Kansas bill would prevent the state from participating in Summer EBT and Ohio lawmakers tackle lunch shaming.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: Connecticut and Michigan attempt to extend free school meal access in their respective states.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: a federal bill aims to beef up cybersecurity in the agriculture and food sectors and a New York lawmaker renews push for universal free school meals.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: States continue to take steps toward implementing universal free school meals for all.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: Delaware’s lunch shaming bill advances and state lawmakers vote on bills that would expand free school meal access.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: Washington state introduces another universal free meals bill and Kentucky school nutrition workers could see a pay raise thanks to the governor’s state budget proposal.

The organization also advocated for no additional restrictions to the USDA’s school nutrition standards and to raise federal meal reimbursements.

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