legislation and regulation


Florida legislators introduce bill to require lead-removing filters on water sources in schools

The bill identifies such water sources as any used for drinking, food preparation or cooking.


Supreme Court blocks Biden administration's employee vaccine mandate

The matter isn't settled because of pending deliberations at the circuit-court level, but the nation's highest court said it anticipates the requirement to be shot down.

On one front, industry groups and state attorneys general are suing to block the measure, while on another, unions are suing to broaden the scope to smaller businesses.

Gov. Charlie Baker has signed a new law banning practices such as barring students who have unpaid meal balances from extracurriculars.

In a speech saluting employers who've voluntarily required COVID-19 vaccinations, the president said his administration is close to having the specifics of compliance spelled out.

Gov. Phil Murphy has signed two bills into law that will provide additional reimbursements for certain K-12 meals.

The waiver prevents school nutrition programs from being penalized if they do not follow certain meal pattern requirements.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed legislation outlawing schools from filing any type of lawsuit against families for unpaid meal debt.

With COVID infections rising again because of the Delta variant, some areas are already asking eateries to voluntarily require face coverings.

Both states have set aside funding for the meals in their budget plans.

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