

Chops by any other name—finally

Of all the information I came away with during last weekend’s Pork Summit 2013, held at The Culinary Institute of America’s Greystone campus in St. Helena, Calif., the most interesting had nothing to do with cooking techniques, flavors or even ways of using the whole animal (more on that in another blog).


Preparing for pork

For a pork lover like me, this weekend is going to be a little slice of heavenly white meat—and then some. I’m off to the Napa Valley and The Culinary Institute of America’s Greystone campus for Pork Summit 2013, an annual event sponsored by the National Pork Board.

The June issue of FoodService Director will focus on the increasing role of chefs in non-commercial foodservice. As I began to organize my notes and plan my calls for the feature, I started reflecting on just how far these segments—particularly schools and hospitals—have come in a culinary sense.

For patients in a hospital, food is often the only thing they can control. And for those hospital employees and visitors, the café is often a welcomed spot of respite from the hectic hustle and bustle of the hospitals floors. That's why many ho

Well, the dust has settled on what just might be our best MenuDirections conference ever. Despite—or, perhaps, aided by—the less-than-optimum weather in Tampa, our more than 200 attendees said they had a great time learning and networking.

It was my great luck to be in Tampa, Florida, from March 3-5 to attend MenuDirections 2013. This much anticipated conference for non-commercial operators includes a stellar lineup of speakers, workshops, chef demos and more. But I was luckier still to be asked to be one of five judges for the first-ever Culinary Competition.

Celebrity chef Jet Tila demonstrated the ease of removing calories, fat and salt from popular dishes during a cooking demo at MenuDirections, but not all of his instruction can be revealed here, this being a family blog.

This weekend, the FoodService Director crew heads to Tampa Fla., for the 11th annual MenuDirections conference. After months of preparation, we're ready to offer more than 130 operators a taste of Healthy Flavors, Healthy Profits.

When Carrie Beegle, foodservice director for Cloverleaf Local School District in Lodi, Ohio, came to Cloverleaf she wanted a way to engage the parents and children in her district, so she created the Tot Chef cooking program. 

During the first two days of the 18th annual Chefs Culinary Conference at the University of Massachusetts, I heard presentations from a number of well-known chefs, researchers and academics. There were talks on street food, world cuisine and healthy dining. Panelists discussed sustainability, health and wellness and customer service. And there was food, plenty of food, from all around the globe being prepared and sampled.

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