
Steal This Idea

Better communication saves dollars

We have a conference services area where we do internal and external events. We provide foodservice and staffing for these events.


Mock wedding makes real impact at Ashland University

Getting married? Ashland University, in Ohio, wanted to help engaged couples visualize what their wedding celebration could be like, and at the same time promote campus and local wedding services.

Getting our employees to be engaged in their work is a big focus at Carilion. Our department has decided to have mini cook-offs to add new recipes to our catering menu.

Helping the students and staff of USU have memorable wedding celebrations is at the center of University Catering’s marketing push for 2014.

Though a large number of operators (45%) reported that their catering revenue stayed the same in the past year, there are some promising signs of growth in certain segments, according to The Big Picture.

Many college and university foodservice departments are looking to food trucks as a new source of retail revenue. At Princeton University in New Jersey, however, the food truck that will debut this fall will actually solve a problem for Dining Services&md

Chefs in foodservice operations of all stripes are bringing distinct culinary experiences to their catering customers, offering everything from boxed lunches to deluxe sit-downs.

Strange catering requests don’t happen as often as one might think, and they are usually not as strange as you might expect. Whenever we ask operators to share with us their strangest catering requests, we hear our share of food stories, and they ar

Running a successful catering program isn’t about creating a memorable event. It’s about making memorable events the standard for the catering program. FoodService Director talked with several experts about their approach to catering and came

Up-charging for some catering services has become commonplace in the non-commercial market, with nearly half the places that cater both on and off-premise now charging outside parties more than they charge insiders, according to FSD research.

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