FSD Staff

Articles by
FSD Staff

Page 107

Study: Salad bars in the lunch line encourage produce consumption

Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that the placement of healthy items can make a huge difference in how likely students are to eat them.


Vegan students petition for university food station

A group of vegetarian and vegan students at Loyola Marymount University are petitioning Sodexo to install a new food station on campus.

The initiative allows students to sample new dishes and vote on whether they should be added to the breakfast and lunch menus.

The Colby Café, created by the Colby Coffee Club, will be a student-run cafe that operates six hours per day, Thursday through Sunday nights.

The bill will keep the government funded until Wednesday of next week, but it doesn’t include any revisions to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

Dozens of foodservice staff staged a sit-in outside of Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) office.

District officials have asked for the feedback, but the students say they’ll boycott again if issues aren’t addressed.

The blenders, which are powered by pedaling, will be located in high school smoothie bars.

Nine of 28 nutrition sites in Oklahoma that serve fewer than 25 meals daily could be denied funding.

Nine facilities in the San Bernardino City Unified School District were checked after authorities learned that Syed Farook had visited the schools in his role as a sanitation inspector.

An official of the Sacramento City Unified School District says steps have been taken to avert future lapses from its farm-to-school commitment.

Elkin Elementary School has launched a contest to find “Elkie the Elf.”

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