
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

Have scientists found a solution to junk food addiction?

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have found two critical points in children’s lives when exposure to junk food is most harmful. The discovery could help prevent people’s dependence on unhealthy foods.


Aramark hiring GM after rotten food debacle

Aramark reportedly is hiring a general manager at a Canadian university where students were served nearly raw pork chops and moldy lemons.

Some hospitals even offer a “McDelivery” program, allowing patients to order McDonald’s to their room, despite a physicians group's objection to unhealthful foods in hospitals.

The Kansas City Health Department had cited foodservice provider Aramark for safety violations in 2014, when inspectors found moldy food at concession stands during baseball playoff games.

The numbers of students benefitting from school breakfast is rising, and could continue to do so under the USDA's new community eligibility program.

Students at a Chicago-area high school designed their ideal salads, then saw their artwork become conversation pieces on the cafeteria wall.

An Alaskan school district is considering implementing a stricter nutritional policy, one that would include making healthy foods cheaper than junk foods.

One elementary school is moving leftover food from cafeteria tables to local farms, inviting farmers who need feed to pick up the school’s food scraps .

Healthy but unpopular lunches are costing cafeterias nationwide. One foodservice director has even vowed to write to Michelle Obama to voice her concerns.

Large agricultural states such as California are lagging behind smaller, East Coast states in becoming part of the farm-to-school movement, according to a report from National Public Radio.

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