K-12 Schools


Federal bill doubles down on buying American for school meals

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: Maine and Massachusetts take steps to encourage school nutrition professionals to source more local foods.


5 ways to manage school meal debt

Food Service Director Kokeeta Wilder told attendees of the SNA’s Annual National Conference how her team has worked to reduce meal debt at Fayette County Public Schools.

Longview Independent School District will transform two buses into food trucks to get students through the lunch line faster this fall.

Check out these ways to tackle food waste, create allergen-friendly meals and more.

Six students from Littleton Public Schools shared their thoughts on products they sampled on the show floor.

Both states have allocated funding in their budgets to provide more free meals at school.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: A federal lawmaker wants to get more local seafood on school menus and a new bill seeks to rename the National School Lunch Program Act.

Eric Goldstein was found guilty of conspiracy, extortion, wire fraud and bribery due to his dealings with SOMMA Food Group.

A new report by the Food Research and Action Center reveals that school breakfast and lunch participation took a downturn when schools began charging for meals again.

Also in this week’s K-12 legislative update: A New Jersey bill would provide grant funding to schools that source local, and Texas’ approved budget will expand free school breakfast access for students.

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