

Product cuttings: Buying salmon

Despite its popularity on restaurant menus, salmon can be tricky to purchase. Wild varieties are numerous and varied and farmed fish can be sourced from countries and facilities with very different standards.


Reviving Retail

At Saint Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, a customer service focus pumps new life—and sales—into an old, confined space.   At a Glance: Saint Luke’s Hospital Foodservice ...

Talk to many chefs these days, especially in fine dining, and they’ll tell you that “local” and “seasonal” are top priorities when purchasing fresh fruit.

Three top purchasers share their buying smarts.

Milk, cheese and butter, as both stand-alone products and recipe ingredients, all play a prominent role on the menu.

The numbers tell the tale: Americans are eating more seafood.

Convenience stores take on new life on college and university campuses, especially when meeting students’ demands for prepared meals.

Today Americans consume more than 50 gallons of soft drinks per capita.

Administrators at Tennessee Tech Univ. in Cookeville predict improved foodservice and consequently increased sales and profits this school year as a result of their new contract with Chartwells College and University Dining Services.

Try it yourself. Tell someone in the industry you're shopping for a slicer, and ask for his advice. Dollars to doughnuts, the first words out of his mouth will have to do with—and may even include the word itself—safety.

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