legislation and regulation


Princeton University lawsuit

I came across an interesting article last week regarding a lawsuit filed against Princeton University that could have some impact on the Dining Services department. The suit claims that the university is claiming exempt status for buildings that do not serve an academic purpose, in violation of state law.


Tooth of the matter

While trolling the Web for news late last week, I came across a story from The Washington Post regarding one-time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. The Ohio Democrat, a member of the House of Representatives, had sued Restaurant Associates for $150,000 over a broken tooth.

First of all, I just want to state how happy I am that Congress finally stepped up and made an effort toward giving school foodservice operators the money they need to make school meals healthier. The $4.5 billion pledged over 10 years may not solve all of the problems operators face, but it certainly is a start.

Random thoughts from a weekend of contemplation.

According to research done by the Meals on Wheels Association of America, nearly 6 million seniors faced the threat of hunger in 2007, and 11.4% of all seniors experienced some form of food insecurity...

School foodservice operators might consider Ann Cooper and Janey Thornton to be polar opposites. They’d call Thornton, deputy undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a former school foodservice director, the traditionalist, working the system and trying to effect change from within.

A New Jersey man, with the support of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, has sued Denny’s Corp. over the levels of sodium in its menu items. Nick DeBenedetto, who according to the suit suffers from hypertension that is controlled by medication, wants Denny’s to disclose the amount of sodium in all its menu items and place a warning about high levels of sodium on the menu.

More children than ever are eating breakfast in school, but the percentage still is far behind where the Food Research and Action Center believes it should be. FRAC has made several recommendations to help school pick up the pace.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has decided to terminate the 17-year-old Universal Feeding Program, at the 167,000-student School District of Philadelphia

Boulder Valley (Colo.) School District has hired Ann Cooper, director of nutrition services for the Berkeley (Calif.) Unified School District, to revamp its school meal program.

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