Senior Living


The industry that never sleeps

This month, FoodService Director takes a deep dive into catering, from the latest in menus to starting a new program and what happens when an event goes off the rails.

Steal This Idea

Devein shrimp in a snap

In an interview with Bon Appetit magazine, Victor Clay, a line cook at Nobu Dallas in Texas, reveals his two simple tricks to prep an average of 15 to 20 shrimp per minute.

Here's how school dining halls are rethinking protein.

Fox Run Orchard Park is knocking down a wall in its bar, which will create a more inviting atmosphere and allow it to host a coffee and dessert bar on off nights.

A ventless hibachi grill in the community serves multiple purposes. In the evening, up to eight residents can reserve the grill and enjoy a multiple-course dinner.

Home of the Good Shepherd has stepped up to the challenge of creating appetizing and visually appealing modified meal options through its puree program.

The Mather has raised garden beds that residents can reserve and use to grow their own plants.

To increase variety, customer satisfaction and revenue, Harris Health System implemented a four-week cycle salad bar rotation.

While a French press isn’t a tool found in most noncommercial kitchens, operators might want to think twice about multiple uses for this fancy coffee maker.

North Carolina State University highlights local products on a large chalkboard in its dining halls, and also lists any produce brought in from its agroecology farm.

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