K-12 Schools


Nonprofit launches campaign for healthy school meals in Colo.

Grant from private donor helped to spur campaign.


20 Most Influential: Michelle Obama, Let’s Move!

It’s good to have friends in high places. And it doesn’t get much higher than the White House. Never before has one person brought so much attention to school cafeterias. Since her family took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in early 20

Ann Cooper calls herself the Renegade Lunch Lady. What Cooper does shouldn’t be considered renegade. She’s simply bringing together communities to create a healthy school lunch program. So why all the fuss?

Prices will increase by 5 cents across the board.

Michelle Obama praises company for ban.

Chelsea Wickson, R.D., at the Spring Independent School District in Houston has done so much in a short period, says  Melanie Konarik, director of child nutrition. Wickson is responsible for the content for the district's new electronic menu boar

Study determined that 9.8% of city kids have a food allergy, compared to 6.2% in rural areas.

Students Students have become the customer of every segment of non-commercial foodservice. They directly influence the operations at K-12 schools and universities through tastings, student dining com...

Only one in seven low-income students eating summer meals

A new study has provided hard facts to back up what's generally accepted as fact, that eating breakfast helps students in school.

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