K-12 Schools


Keep those cards and letters coming

I just finished the research and interviews for our November cover story, entitled "Schools’ New Balancing Act," at about the time our October issue hit readers’ desks. One of the elements of that issue was my Opinion piece called "Building Rome in a Day."


Cafeteria boycott in Pa. district may be ending

After boycotting school meals in September, students are beginning to return to lunch.

Survey says students prefer new meals 3 to 1 over previous school meals.

Hydroponic garden helps inspire students to the fruits of their labor.

New meal regs bring a host of new options to Fla. school.

District in Utah made video to explain meal regs to students.

District now uses paper plates and trays.

Daughter spends as much as $6 a day in cafeteria, father complains

Getting high school students to eat in school cafeterias is often a challenge. Many schools have open campuses, allowing students to leave school to pick up food—often at fast food joints. There’s also the “cool” factor. Many older

We have a display cooking station every day. We thought it would be fun to ask our headmaster to be our chef for a day. We posted flyers and info on our website so parents knew they could join us. It was a huge hit, and the line for the station was out th

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