K-12 Schools


The Big Idea 2013: Food App

We built an app for our program. We did a survey of our parents and 87% wanted information either on the computer or on the phone. We were printing menus and spending a lot of money on these colorful menus that only 13% of our parents cared about. 


Massachusetts district deficit not as bad as feared

Expanded cafeteria options helped close budget gap a little.

Schools says the extra fruit and vegetable servings are being thrown away.

Inspector general asked to investigate possible bidding process violations.

Design inspired by principal's experience at airport.

District had seen decline in participation due to new school meal regulations.

A majority of the district's food will now be prepared in central kitchen.

Two additional buses will be feeding kids this summer.

Student says descriptions of food didn't match what he was served.

Mississippi district is instituting first price increase in three years.

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