K-12 Schools


Fresh Starts

Roasting, a cooking method that yields flavorful vegetables, is on the rise in some school districts. 


Signature Series: Tacos

Who doesn’t love a good taco? Just about anything can be used to create a taco, which makes the possibilities for this menu item infinite. As part of our ongoing Signature Series, we spoke with operators to find out some of their most creative takes on tacos.

The USDA earned praise this past June when it released its ground-breaking new rules for "competitive" school food.

Students who qualify for reduced-price meals will receive free breakfast and lunch during the school day.

The Idaho Department of Education (DOE) has worked with a chef/dietitian to create a cookbook of healthy recipes for school foodservice directors to use. “Chef Designed School Lunch” was launched in April and presented at the School Nutrition

Used to be, if you wanted to guarantee a dish’s popularity, just fry it. But as both diners and public policy makers have continued to push for healthier meal options, non-commercial operators are leaving fried foods by the wayside in favor of those

We invited families from four ethnic groups to tour our nutrition center. We have between 100 and 150 people per session.

Fall is just around the corner. Get a jump-start on soup season with some cream-based options that are sure to comfort and satisfy your customers. 

Concerns about healthy food and overall well-being are here to stay. So what exactly is working for non-commercial operators in the struggle to promote wellness? We spoke to operators to get 25 tips from their successful health and wellness programs.

Billy Reid, director of child nutrition services for the Salida Union School District, in California, loves Las Vegas, cherishes his wedding ring and once ate dog ribs. 

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