Hospitals & Long-term Care

Steal This Idea

Pushing Fiber

We hosted a Farm to Table Dinner featuring food prepared with locally sourced, seasonal produce. Our menu reflected the colors and tastes of spring and provided 100% of the participant’s daily recommended fiber intake. A dietitian provided tips on t


ANFP President Bill St. John announces retirement

Date of retirement set for May 2013.

Meal delivery program emphasis is on providing healthy meals.

Award was presented at 2012 national conference in Miami.

Competition held during annual conference in Miami.

We serve a paired wine at dinner every Friday. I write the wine’s origin on the menu along with the health benefits the wine has. The residents love Friday night dinner, and it’s our biggest night. Residents have to purchase tickets for the wi

Hospital employees can also participate in farm CSA.

Market has invited more vendors to participate.

Attention to detail presents food in best light possible.

We place a container to collect loose change near the cash register. You can use the change to support local charities. We use ours for our Employees Helping Employees Fund, which provides for catastrophic events like serious illness or fire. 

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