

Top 10 foodie cities has released its annual list of the top foodie cities in 2014.


The average nursing homes/long-term care director

We surveyed those individuals who are in charge of nursing homes/long-term care foodservice operations and asked them to tell us about themselves. This segment is primarily made up of women and those 45 years or older.

We surveyed those individuals who are in charge of B&I foodservice operations and asked them to tell us about themselves. Males and those between the ages of 45 and 59 dominate in this segment.

Schools are significantly more likely to get menu ideas from trade shows/conferences (63%) than any other segment.

The final phase of nutrition regulations in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act will go into place this July, requiring school districts to offer more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables both in school meals and outside the meal program.

Operators share insights into why certain dinner categories will grow in the next two years.

Operators share insights into why certain lunch categories will grow in the next two years.

Here’s a look at what’s happened to lunch participation/sales in the past two years and also what operators expect to happen to this daypart’s growth potential in the next two years.

Recycling and waste reduction are the two sustainability initiatives that operators use. Nearly every college recycles (95%), making it the segment that employs this tactic the most. Nursing homes/long-term care and senior living are the most likely segments to not employ any of these environmentally friendly programs, at 14%.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act greatly impacted what the majority of operators offer at lunch, according to new research from Datassential. Other challenging areas include menu rotation and reimbursements.

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