grab and go

Steal This Idea

Late-night food truck

JPS Health Network recently initiated a schedule of on-site food trucks for the night shift to enhance dining options. They run between midnight and 2 a.m.


Sodexo closes campus c-store

The foodservice vendor closed the Mountaintop Market convenience store because of its inconvenient location, noting 70 percent of its customers were staff, not students.

Lakota Local School District uses carts to take meals down the hallways, so students don’t have to come to the cafeteria to get breakfast or lunch.

Beyond the basic rules of operating a truck safely, laws for mobile eateries vary, so check all local ordinances before proceeding with a food truck.

To make it easier to deliver meals to off-site charter schools and summer feeding locations, Pinellas County Schools uses colored tape to close the boxes.

While some New York City restaurants railed against a ban on polystyrene packaging, which was recently overturned, Columbia University was years ahead of the game.

The booming food truck scene of the last decade has operators considering how the trend could work at their college campus, school or company.

Rouler, a mobile kitchen, is only accepting meal credits and will specialize in New Orleans food.

Innovation isn’t just about what’s cooking behind the counter. These technologies are driving concessions at parks and stadiums to the next level.

During meal time, having to halt delivery to fulfill a patient’s request for more ketchup or sweetener can back up the flow of room-service deliveries.

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