

Janet Paul to head Concordia College Dining

Concordia College has named Janet Paul director of dining services.


North Dakota Capitol cafeteria gets a makeover

The six month, $1.1 million renovation starts on Monday and the last remodel was done in 1981. And the Capitol Grounds facilities director says the changes are needed.

One of the most pressing issues concerning childhood obesity deals specifically with the lunches and snacks that are served to students in schools.

One could call Toledo, Ohio-based ProMedica hospital system a good neighbor.

University dining halls may see a new food provider before the fall semester, though University officials have not yet released information about the details of the potential switch.

Dean Foods (DF), which describes itself as the country’s largest milk processor, noted an unusual effect of the recent spate of bad winter weather on the dairy business.

When cold snaps and blizzards shutter schools, kids miss more than their daily lessons. Some miss out on the day's nutritious meal as well.

The news story provoked national outrage as school children in Utah had their lunches tossed in the garbage because they didn’t have enough money to pay for them. But it turns out something similar is happening in Minnesota, as well.

The response to the Ridgewood School District's new ban on outside vendor lunch deliveries to village schools has amped up considerably.

A whopping 56% of schools have started serving lunch by 11 a.m., according to an analysis of Education Department records by WNYC's website and the Daily News.

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