Paul King
Articles by
Paul King
Page 5An all-natural buyer’s guide
Food vendors doing business with Overlake Hospital Medical Center (OHMC), in Seattle, know without ambiguity what products the hospital’s hospitality dining services department does and does not want.
The silent epidemic
As the number of senior citizens—and their desire to remain at home—increases, foodservice programs such as Meals On Wheels increasingly struggle to remain viable.
As someone who has been attending foodservice industry conferences for nearly 30 years, I know how difficult it is to come up with the next “big thing.” But at the recent National Leadership Conference of the Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP), held in Minneapolis, the conference planning committee offered a session that might be exactly that.
Rich Daehn, corporate director of culinary services for Benedictine Health System (BHS), in Duluth, Minn., is definitely a think-outside-the-box kind of guy. How else would you describe a man who believed that long-term care foodservice directors could improve their operations by going to Disney World?