Alaina Lancaster

Articles by
Alaina Lancaster

Page 6

5 ways foodservice managers are doing more with less staff

Short on staff, time and money? Check out how other operators are making it work with a shrinking workforce, tighter budgets and rising labor costs.


How to assemble a diverse team

Avoid groupthink by recruiting team members from many different backgrounds.

Employees don’t like surprises, so some operators are developing transparent interview processes to help curb turnover.

Some operators have rewritten staff integration strategies to make a positive first impression in a job-seekers market.

For all the most obvious reasons, managers and staff don’t always agree. But both sides can get behind retiring annual performance reviews, according to a suvey.

Speaking in front of a group of people is enough to make some FSDs freeze up. Instead of letting nerves stand in the way, soak up these tips from seasoned speakers.

A recent study reports that employees at high-trust companies experience 74% less stress, 106% more energy, 50% higher productivity and 13% fewer sick days.

Shaking up the status quo can incite a stampede for the nearest exit. Here’s how operators keep staff on board during times of change.

Operators say a calmer kitchen can lead to higher productivity and happier employees. Here are their tips for reducing heat in the back of house.

These days, the labor pool can look more like a page from “Where’s Waldo?” than a viable place to find workers. Instead of searching around in vain, consider these nontraditional sources for quality candidates. 

A career in foodservice can offer plenty of opportunities to indulge, while leaving little energy at the end of the day to prepare nutritious options. Here’s how some foodservice workers dodge distractions and maintain the momentum to eat well. 

How operators are expanding wellness programs without breaking the bank.

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