FSD K-12 Spotlight


School goes table-to-farm

One elementary school is moving leftover food from cafeteria tables to local farms, inviting farmers who need feed to pick up the school’s food scraps .


5 reasons why Mary Arlinda Hill is a Silver Plate Winner

Mary Arlinda Hill continually aims to improve both Jackson Public Schools and her community.

Large agricultural states such as California are lagging behind smaller, East Coast states in becoming part of the farm-to-school movement, according to a report from National Public Radio.

The privately-funded school is going beyond Meatless Mondays and will be the first to offer an all-vegan cafeteria. Officials have been working on making the switch since 2013.

When 39 school foodservice directors and their affiliates gathered in December in Minneapolis, Minn., for a three-day culinary “boot camp,” they did more than taste food and share ideas.

Delinquent accounts in the school district total $9,963 with the seven cases amounting to $4,477, according to the district business office.

The student, who doesn’t like the new wheat tortillas and whole-wheat pizza crust that are used in the school cafeteria, airs his complaints to the First Lady.

Students who get free or reduced-price lunches are finding themselves hungry at home during snow days. One district is looking for ways to help.

The School Nutrition Association is asking Congress for an additional 35-cent reimbursement per meal to offset rising food prices and the cost of adhering to new nutritional standards, but it might not be enough for some districts.

School leaders explained to U.S. State Rep. Charlie Dent that adhering to Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act is resulting in students throwing away more food.

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