K-12 Schools

Steal This Idea

Art and Food

We hosted a student art exhibit and tour of our warehouse facilities. The art represents each student’s vision of wellness, and the original artwork will be displayed permanently in the Student Nutrition Center. This event showcases both the work do


NPD research: What drives millennials’ food choices?

The NPD Group, a leading market research company, found in its recent National Eating Trends survey that members of the Millennial generation, also known as Generation Y, have significantly decreased their rate of dining out.

When it comes to “hot” cuisines, Thai is still “the one,” according to respondents in our 2011 Menu Survey. But Thai’s got competition from two other cultures, and some interesting cuisines were mentioned by operators.

Misty Phillips, general helper for Fairborn City (Ohio) Schools, is the model of an exceptional employee, says Child Nutrition Director Paula Montgomery. Phillips is quick to notice obstacles and is always positive when planning the solutions. She is alwa

FSD talked with Mike McTaggart, president of Quest Food Management Services, about the company’s new Quest for Life program, which focuses on from-scratch cooking, local sourcing, and educating both parents and students.

I read an interesting OpEd piece in the Los Angeles Times last week, about the return to “normalcy” in the Longworth Building cafeteria at the U.S. House of Representatives. The writer was celebrating the fact that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s greening initiative in the cafeteria apparently has failed.

Among our 276 respondents, 82% offer catering. Virtually everyone in B&I and colleges provides this service, while 94% of hospitals, 74% of schools and 68% of long-term care facilities do.

Even as more Americans look to eat healthier, the popularity of cheese seems to be surging. Pizza, mac and cheese and cheeseburgers remain ubiquitous, but chefs also are experimenting with more varieties in more types of menu items.

I have always felt that the little things we do to show our team members that we care make all the difference in the world. I send a personal birthday note to each of my team members and I regularly hear that this has touched them deeply. It’s old s

Christina Kepa, nutrition education and training coordinator for Norfolk Public Schools in Norfolk, Va., brings unmatched creativity and enthusiasm to the job. She enjoys a challenge and always wants to be the best. She has shown great leadership skills a

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