new concepts


Dining flexibility increases meal plan sales

Students at Lynn University, in Boca Raton, Fla., are reaping the benefits of their new 24-hour dining access. And because of the new dining hours, they’re enjoying new class schedules, too.


The thrill of the hunt

Members of the dining services team at Lander University, in Greenwood, S.C., went hunting last fall. They weren’t searching for new recipes or concepts. They were searching for team building.

For the first time this year during fall finals week and the week prior, we closed off space within Conversations, one of our residential dining centers, to provide students with an additional study location on campus.

The three serving lines at Jonesboro High are antique by definition.

Last fall we started Racer Care Packages, which parents can purchase online for their students.

The online ordering system now accepts weekly orders for bagged meals instead of having students complete the order form each time.

It’s January, the time for resolutions. I won’t bore you with mine—mostly because I haven’t made any. But I do want to share with you what’s new with FoodService Director.

Late night. Students. Lines. Cups of water. When combined, these created some issues at Bowling Green State University, in Ohio. 

This summer, farmers’ markets came to the campus of the College of Holy Cross, in Worcester, Mass.

If you judge by the news—this magazine included—food trucks have become the hot accessory for college and university dining departments. 

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