
Motivating millennials

millennial business


I’m having trouble relating to our millennial staff members. What are some things that can help me motivate them?



Don’t feel alone. Many leaders are asking the same question and for good reason. The millennial generation grew up in a world filled with electronics, online activities and social networks. Of generations thus far, they have received the most marketing attention, are the most ethnically diverse and typically are very tolerant of differences. Their parents encouraged them to “follow their dreams” and told them they were special, which lead to a high degree of confidence—but in some cases, feelings of entitlement. Although they often are seen as slightly more optimistic about the future than other generations, it is predicted they will be less economically successful than their parents.

Given those generalities, it is easy to group people into simple classifications, but it’s important to consider them more broadly. My best counsel is to create an environment where people of all generations feel important and to discuss motivations with your staff.  As a leader, I don’t believe I can create individual drive, but I try to make all people feel heard and valued. That begins with conversations geared toward mutual understanding of goals, motivations and values.  

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