K-12 Schools


Making employees love you

Joanne Chang works hard at maintaining the culture she’s created at her four Flour bakeries, her restaurant Myers + Chang and newly opened commissary kitchen.


Creative marketing encourages picky eaters to try new foods

One FSD at a New York school district has gotten her students to eat kale by using marketing slogans like, “What doesn’t kale you makes you stronger.”

Datassential reports that menu mentions of flatbreads have increased 34 percent in the last four years. Versatile and adaptable, these close cousins of pizza can be topped with any number of ingredients to create appetizers, shareables and snacks.

Here’s an interview tip: When asked about management style, don’t respond that you enjoy making people cry. This and other sage wisdom on why hiring managers don’t extend job offers.

The latest House of Representatives proposal to reauthorize the school lunch program is a mixed bag for school feeders.

William T. McFatter Technical Center in Florida and Itineris Early College High School in Utah top Niche’s 2016 list of public high schools with the best food.

Officials say the program will help eliminate clerical errors.

The district hopes to reduce the waste it sends to landfills, as well as the nearly $140,000 it pays per year to have its trash hauled away.

The measure will create varying rates increasing by different amounts in different areas.

The kitchens save nearly $230,000 per participating school, officials say.

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