K-12 Schools


NYC’s breakfast in classroom increases participation, not obesity: Study

The program did not appear to boost students’ academic achievement, despite advocates’ hopes, officials say.


Asian flavors perk up proteins

Asian cuisines continue to trend on menus, with Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese and Southeast Asian being the most popular among consumers, according to a recent report from the National Restaurant Association. Pairing Asian flavors and ingredients with familiar proteins meets the demand for ethnic dishes with operational ease.

The tactics shared included methods to reduce waste and increase sales of healthy items, such as giving vegetables creative names and placing white milk first in the lunch line.

The future is here when it comes to mobile and online payment apps for foodservice. Operators have some advice for making the jump to mobile payment.

The near $500,000 project would allow the school to cook and prepare food on premise rather than having it trucked in daily.

Don’t look now, but salad bars are becoming cool again.

The kiosks at North Rowan and Salisbury High Schools are set up just inside the main doors where students can choose a juice, fruit and muffin.

In a ballot initiative, voters will be asked if they or their neighbors deserve a pay hike.

Forty-two percent of U.S. districts operate farm-to-school programs, according to the USDA’s Farm to School Census.

How do you recruit and retain employees when operators down the street offer higher wages and jobs viewed as more prestigious? Here are three stealable solutions from FSDs that have worked in real-world tests.

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