

Calif. acts to ease food insecurity in community colleges

Students in 10 counties could use their assistance credits at local restaurants.


Calif. bans alternative meals for kids with lunchroom debts

The measure is aimed at ending lunch shaming.

The appointment comes as a major shareholder in the foodservice giant is exerting more of an influence on its strategy and direction.

Items such as bologna, salami, pepperoni and bacon will no longer be available in school cafeterias.

Students will receive $4 in vouchers to spend at the market.

Parents have the choice of vegetarian lasagna or a steak served with salad, a baked potato and fresh fruit.

Eligible Chartwells employees will be able to earn their associate degree in business from the university.

The event will provide chances for students to interact with farmers, check out cooking demonstrations and sample a variety of foods.

The Reimagining School Cafeterias Initiative pilot will be introduced to 15 cafeterias across the country this school year.

The food management company will introduce five plant-based recipes using ingredients featured in the report.

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