

Ohio University revamps dining hall into The District

The new layout hosts a collection of five mini-restaurants that feature healthy options.


District to pilot finger scanning to streamline lunch throughput

Officials say the program will help eliminate clerical errors.

Sodexo named the Florida school a top-five university for dining satisfaction among colleges that partner with the foodservice provider.

Details about nutrition and ingredients are the information most desired by more than half of students.

If implemented, UW-Madison students would be able to use food stamps in dining halls and other campus eateries.

The district hopes to reduce the waste it sends to landfills, as well as the nearly $140,000 it pays per year to have its trash hauled away.

Students can pay for food in The Nest using their meal swipes.

Clarkson University students are protesting what they deem poor food quality and high prices.

The increase will phase in starting Jan. 1.

The measure will create varying rates increasing by different amounts in different areas.

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