

Colo. hospital taps local farmer to help garden grow

Officials expect the resident farmer will quadruple the production of the garden, which supplies produce for the hospital's on-site restaurant.


Ill. district’s composting efforts aim to reduce lunch waste

The goal is to turn uneaten produce from the school cafeteria into compost that will be used to grow produce for students’ lunches.

Proposed changes to the state's free school breakfast program could cut off nearly 16,000 students, according to an advocacy group.

The food truck's menu will reflect what the chef wants to curate each day, officials say.

Cyndi Roberts, manager of food services and clinical nutrition at St. Joseph Memorial Hospital, has staff interaction in the bag—literally. Here’s how she strives to improve relationships and teamwork.

The university's new facility will feature longer hours, as well as more menu and seating options compared to other eateries on campus.

The revamp—which is expected to be completed by this fall—is designed to streamline throughput and provide students with more dining options, officials say.

The initiative could lead to some maneuvering on behalf of foodservice departments if high lead levels are detected.

The Fresh and Simple Tastes—or FAST—line will make its debut this fall, providing a safe dining option for students with allergies, officials say.

The Chicago-based sports concessionaire will provide foodservices at Notre Dame Stadium, Compton Family Ice Arena and the Purcell Pavilion at the Joyce Center, among others.

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