Reyna Estrada

Articles by
Reyna Estrada

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Molly Matthews wants to create synergy between the senior and healthcare sectors

Molly Matthews, the new CEO of Sodexo’s seniors and healthcare businesses, seeks to lead with a focus on patient outcomes and elevating the resident experience.


FSD in 5: whole milk in schools bill gets blocked in U.S Senate

FSD Editor Reyna Estrada discusses a bill that would allow whole milk in schools, HHS’ new nutrition education program and food trends to keep an eye on for 2024.

January is full of food centric holidays and of course it’s the beginning of a new year. From National Popcorn day to National Croissant Day, here’s a look at four ways to engage diners in the coming weeks.

The student-run farm helps promote the university’s sustainability mission through climate smart practices, research opportunities and event support.

Aramark’s college sites featured Friendsgiving and Exam Cram events as a part of the new program.

Nourished is a new HHS program featuring live demos of nutritious recipes that focus on making nutrition education more approachable to diners.

Sodexo has eliminated Styrofoam trays at Springfield Renaissance School thanks to an initiative led by students.

Dining services at Texas Christian University held a gingerbread cookie decorating event where students were invited to decorate and enjoy as many cookies as they wanted.

Aramark’s Treasurer and Senior Vice President of Finance, Jim Tarangelo, will take on the role of chief financial officer on Jan. 12 2024.

The sustainability team at the university has worked to spread awareness about recent efforts such as the implementation of reusable to-go containers.

The university has teamed up with its foodservice provider, Chartwells Higher Education, on a series of new initiatives aimed at making dining more sustainable.

With winter and the holiday season right around the corner, there’s a variety of ways to engage diners in the coming weeks. From Christmas and Hannukah to National Hot Chocolate Day, here are 6 Marketing ideas for the month of December.

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