
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

Va. school district rolls out new breakfast program

This fall, Petersburg City Public Schools is implementing the Breakfast in the Classroom program at three elementary schools.


3 emerging trends for FSDs to watch

What’s bubbling up in the restaurant world that may be adaptable to noncommercial foodservice? Here’s a look at a cuisine that’s poised to take off.

Officials at Oklahoma-based Edmond North High School said that it could take weeks before all of the repairs are made to the main cafeteria where the water main break occurred.

Maintaining a la carte sales since the implementation of the Smart Snacks in School rule has been a challenge three out of four school FSDs have been

The proposed 7,700-square-foot cafeteria would be domed, double as a safe room and seat 312 people, according to the district’s superintendent.

Brunch week, Mexican- and Italian-themed food, and a baked potato bar are concepts that Washington County Public Schools will offer for lunch this year on a revolving basis.

Oakland University has reopened the food court in its student center following a $3.5 million project.

Cranston Public Schools initially opted for Sodexo, citing the contractor’s record of giving back to the community, but then switched to Aramark when told $2.5 million in federal funding could be jeopardized.

With having only 10 days left to approve the Iran nuclear deal and plenty of other legislation pending, Congress may not get to reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act.

This fall, 41 California school districts will commit to supporting local growers and encouraging students to make nutritionally sound choices.

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