Senior Living


USDA to require safety labels for tenderized beef

Foodservice facilities will now have more information about the products they are buying, as well as cooking instructions to safely prepare them.


Retirement community pays $300K settlement for segregated dining

A retirement community in Virginia has agreed to pay a federal settlement and civil penalty to resolve charges that it discriminated against residents by segregating them into dining rooms for independent residents versus those needing higher levels of care.

To accommodate our customers who are on a low-carb diet, we now offer sandwiches and burgers without the bun or bread at a reduced price.

Lentils, chickpeas and dry beans serve a valuable function on non-commercial menus.

From spearheading tough renovations to championing wellness programs that resonate, these non-commercial operators’ feats and passion make them best in class.

We changed how we record temperatures of our hot and cold items by moving our logs to highly visible locations.

When it comes to barbecue, foodservice directors are balancing authenticity with innovation in their side dishes.

Farmers are gearing up to satisfy increasing demand for pulses worldwide.

Anyone who’s been in the on-site business during the last two centuries is painfully aware that a consumer will opt for an off-site place to eat if a foodservice director can’t match what’s available on the street.

I brought three of my chefs with me to MenuDirections 2015 and gave each of them a list of brain-healthy foods and ingredients to find at the conference, along with certain people they would have to talk with to find out more about the foods.

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