Colleges & Universities


2014 Silver Plate: Mark LoParco

Raised in upstate New York, Mark LoParco’s interest in sustainable food systems began early in life.


Exploring Latin American

Tapping staff expertise helps create authentic dishes from our Southern neighbors.

After more than two months out of commission, the Green Tidings food truck will return to the campus, Dining Services officials said.

Our nutritionist Tanya Williams created the Bison Mealz! Cookie to offer the nutritional benefits of a full meal when eaten with milk or a milk replacement and a serving of fruit.

With their variety of shapes, colors and tastes, heirloom tomatoes have become highly coveted by non-commercial chefs—when they can get them.

Schools are significantly more likely to get menu ideas from trade shows/conferences (63%) than any other segment.

Make sushi more palatable to a wider, less adventurous audience by substituting the fish for more recognizable proteins.

Students commented on a recent Cinco de Mayo event and felt it was offensive.

In late April, the University of Maryland (UMD) dining services team, in College Park, launched the Terp Farm, the university’s new sustainable vegetable farm.

In November 2013, Denison University became the first Ohio school to join the national Food Recovery Network — taking leftover dining hall food and, rather than tossing it, donating it to area agencies that fight hunger.

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