Colleges & Universities


University finds trouble after extending dining hours while lacking staff

Trouble struck Dining Services this year, with too few staff and too many hours, Morris University Center Director Joseph Pearson said.


Yale dining services employees cite safety concerns over move to central production facility

As Yale Dining workers and University administrators discuss concerns about the relocation of certain dining services to the new Culinary Support Center, some dining employees are also expressing unease about their chances of being injured on the job.

Dining Services introduced 40 new dishes this semester, following an increase in Chef’s Feature sales over the past couple of years.

Oklahoma-based food producers are one of the highlights each month at Oklahoma State University, in Stillwater. Through the Made in Oklahoma program, Oklahoma vendors are invited to campus each month to introduce themselves and their products to the campus community—from honey to beef jerky and syrups to protein bars.

The October issue of FoodService Director will contain an Analysis piece I wrote entitled “The Great GMO Debate.” The article examines the concept of genetic engineering in agriculture and why some people, companies and organizations are so high on it while others are convinced it could mean the death of agriculture.

EatWell, Bucknell Dining Services' new web tool, allows students to plan their meals with the help of complete nutrition and allergy information.

The long lines at the on-campus Bruegger’s Bagels and Qdoba have landed the two franchises the No. 1 and No. 3 spots on the companies' most visited locations.

As between-meal eating grows increasingly popular, the humble snack has become nearly as important as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Hoping to find a quicker way to get responses about their service, Dining Services launched a pilot of the text feedback program this fall.

Click through Snapshots of all the dessert recipes from the September 2014 issue. This month features custards and puddings.

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