

Senior-living facility asks residents for a touch of home

As The Terrace at Phoebe Allentown transitions to its fall/winter menu, a few recipes will be as close to home cooking as some residents can get.


How to use food pictures as a social media marketing tool

Hubspot, a software marketing company, reports Facebook posts featuring images garner 53 percent more “likes” and twice as many comments as text-only items.

Knox County students had an opportunity to attend a food fair and vote on what products they’d like to see in their cafeteria from 89 vendors.

To generate student excitement, San Diego Unified School District had its schools apply in a raffle to have the local circus perform at a general assembly.

With an integral role in the nutritional lives of students, employees, patients and seniors, FSDs are called upon to support, nurture and shape communities.

Every March, to celebrate National Nutrition Month, Windham Raymond School District makes its way through the alphabet by featuring produce from A to Z.

From crafting fun packaging to involving students in taste tests, K-12 operators share their best practices for reducing cost and food waste.

Beyond the basic rules of operating a truck safely, laws for mobile eateries vary, so check all local ordinances before proceeding with a food truck.

Cafeteria staff at Palm Springs Unified School District underwent training on the “Smarter Lunchrooms Movement,” which included ideas on how to market serving lines to increase student participation.

A soon-to-be-published study shows that students may choose a smaller portion if coupled with a modest prize.

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