
Steal This Idea

Eliminate staff shortages by hiring high schoolers

The processing is after-hours, so it works well with the students’ schedules. The students have their ServSafe certification and are skilled with working with all the equipment, so it’s a win-win.


3 places foodservice operators find leadership inspiration

Here’s where FSDs go to refill their leadership tank. How foodservice directors can remain vertical at the end of a workday might be a scientific mystery.

Here's how a sports dietitian at Oregon State University trains athletes to eat better and perform at their best.

Operators weigh in on hunger and new ways they're tackling it. Read on to see how operators are bringing more to the table to address the hunger needs at schools.

Here are the best practices from school FSDs. 

Rutgers takes out the trash with an upgraded takeout program. Rutgers Dining tested the new takeout menu for five weeks in a single dining hall earlier this year, tossing the deep-fried chicken wings and french fries in favor of baked dry-rubbed wings.

During the school year, the school bus travels school to school where students use it as a learning lab; and during the summer and long school holidays, the bus transports meals to specific sites to feed children.

The goal is to present people with as accurate a picture as possible of what it would be like to be in a school foodservice operation before job opportunities are discussed and therefore help the retention process.

The University of Michigan brought in a student with food allergies to talk in front of foodservice staff as part of their training for an impactful presentation they won't forget.

As summer begins to fade and vacation season comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about revitalizing staffers’ connections to one another.

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